Administrative Board • Also referred to as the Church Council, this is the primary administrative agency of the local church providing for planning and programs to best support the nurture, outreach, witness, and use of resources of the local church.
This Board serves to provide for the vision and strategic plan of the Church and also annually evaluates the mission and ministry of the Church.

Council on Ministries plans and implements effective ministries, programs and mission projects that will minister to the spiritual and physical needs of individuals, families and the larger community. Wesley utilizes the "NOW" model, ie: Nurture, Outreach and Witness).
Nurture helps the congregation grow their Spirituality.
Outreach tends to the local and larger community.
Witness brings the community of faith together to work for justice, righteous and redemption of the world.

The Trustee Board is comprised of Christian stewards of the property God has entrusted to the congregation. Trustees supervise and maintain the property of the congregation to ensure that disciple-making ministries of the congregation are effective and that local legal requirements related to the property are satisfied.

The Pastor/Staff-Parish Relations Committee works with the lead pastor and other staff so that the staff can work effectively in managing the ministry of the congregation for making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. This committee also fulfills legal and ethical responsibilities related to staff.

The Finance Committee proposes a budget; then raises, manages, and distributes the financial resources of the congregation to support and strengthen the mission and ministry of the congregation.