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55+ Ministry

Contact the Church Office for More Info on Any Ministry


55+ Senior Ministry - "Blessed Not Stressed" This Ministry is open to all people 55 and older who like to gather and fellowship in a Christian setting. We meet on the last Friday of each month excluding July and August, to have a buffet lunch and receive information that is relevant to our station in life.


We conduct a senior led worship service once a year, usually in the month of September. The entire service is conducted by senior members of the church. Everyone is welcome.


The Adult Ministry & Bible Study at Wesley United Methodist Church (WUMC) helps adults connect and grow their relationship with Jesus Christ and each other. Being true to the word of God requires regular study, and our warm, nurturing atmosphere welcomes both members & non-members to participate in our Bible and spiritual enrichment studies, fellowship, and service activities both in and outside the church. <more>

Contact us to learn more about our Adult Ministry & Bible Study programs. 


Our Children's Ministry (ages 5-12) provides a Christian education, leading them to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and growth in Christian faith. Participation in all aspects of the church is encouraged with warm, loving support.


Our Youth Ministry (ages 13-17) ministers to the specific needs of young adults in order to help them understand the responsibility of making choices and the consequences of their actions. 


Health & Wellness Ministry • God desires that our physical and mental bodies prosper as well as our souls.. The Health & Wellness Ministry invites you to participate in many opportunities to move toward the wholeness that we all want to achieve by promoting the Christian message of healing the body, mind and spirit among all persons within our church and community.


For information about joining the Health & Wellness Ministry, please contact Gina Harris.


Mission & Outreach • WUMC has been active in the community since 1865...just a month before the Civil War ended! Our Outreach Missions and Ministries are based on Jesus' teachings about feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, healing the sick, and clothing the naked, etc.

Learn more about our
Bridge Builders, Caring & Grief, Evangelism, Kairos Prison Ministry, Love Works, Stephen Ministry, Voices of Tamar, Women's Outreach, and the many other ways we stay active in our busy community. 


Music Our Music Ministry is blessed to be able to share the gospel of Jesus Christ through song each and every Sunday and throughout the community. Through spirituals and hymns, to contemporary gospel and other genres of music, we minister to your heart, mind, body and soul.  We use the gifts He has given us to support our pastor and the congregation in our journey to strengthen our relationship and draw closer to God. We worship Him in spirit and in truth..  Check Us Out

Dance We are blessed with five dance ministry teams that minister to the body of Christ through movement and creative expressions of praise, worship, and prayer. Come dance with us...all we require is a willing heart.


Prayer Shawl Ministry This mission's ministry is to knit or crochet shawls and afghans, anoint them with prayer and meditation, and then give them to persons in need of prayer, comfort, or blessings.  When the shawl is given to someone, it is a visible expression of care, concern, and God’s love. 

Our meetings are held directly following worship service on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month in Fellowship Hall. The time is used to bless shawls, offer prayer, fellowship, and crochet lessons for any who need them. 


Sunday School The Church School is a vital component of WUMC. It provides children and youth with bible training, bible study and wholesome Christian activities to build a firm foundation for Christian living. Materials, lessons, music, recreation and Christian nurture are provided to enhance student learning and appreciation for the work and power of Jesus Christ. Activities include annual Vacation Bible School, Christmas and Easter programs and other opportunities for Christian growth. Sunday School is open to children and youth age 5 to 17.


UMC Men United Methodist Men invites you to connect with us as we keep our eye on the central reason for this ministry – to help others grow to a mature faith in God that moves them to action on behalf of others, especially “the least.” (see Matthew 25:31-46) This aspect of “disciple making” is the ultimate goal of all that we do.


Jesus taught his disciples practices of spiritual growth and leadership. As Disciples of Christ, we are to share with others as they look to us to be models and guides.


UMC Women • United Methodist Women is the largest denominational faith organization for women with approximately 800,000 members whose mission is fostering spiritual growth, developing leaders and advocating for justice. The Wesley unit of UMW is a community of women whose purpose is to become closer to God and experience freedom as a whole person through Jesus Christ. United Methodist Women strive to develop a creative supportive fellowship and expand the concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.


Usher Board As Ushers and Door Keepers in the house of our Lord, we go about our duties with reverence and honor.  We invite all believers, ages 12+ who wish to serve with us. We divide responsibilities throughout the month so each has a Sunday off to enjoy the service.

Usher Board meetings for Adult Ushers are held the 4th Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  If you are interested in being an usher, please contact 


Young & Saved lets our young people know they can have fun while being saved. (Psalm 119:9 states, “How can a young man cleanse his way?  By taking heed according to your Word.”)  This Ministry reaches out to youth by using the Word of God, through fellowship. and encouraging spiritual growth.


We take charge of the future and are a ministry growing in faith, community service, and outreach. We look forward to being future leaders in different ministries and the future voice of Wesley United Methodist Church! Our meetings are held every 3rd  Sunday after worship service (around 12noon). 

Health & Wellness
Children and Youth
Music & Dance
Mission & Outreach
Prayer Shawl
Sunday School
UMC Women
Ushers Board
Young & Saved

© 2024 Wesley United Methodist Church, Austin, TX 

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